storage/iterator.c:storageItrNew:(driver:*void, path: {"/postgres-backup/archive/main"}, level: 3, errorOnMissing: false, nullOnMissing: false, recurse: false, sortOrder: 0, expression: null) storage/storage.c:storageNewItr:(this: {type: s3, path: /postgres-backup, write: false}, pa...
2023, under section 139 (1), but has not verified the filed ITR by August 30, 2023. If he uses the 'Discard Return' feature to delete this original ITR, then a new ITR would be filed under section 139 (4). However, a penalty of up to Rs 5,000 will...
as fast as (500000 itr.) as raw kernel. So, the most important lessons if you shall use pycuda for your work then 1- raw kernel is the same whether wsl or w11 2- elementwise is better and cool under wsl, you can use it instead of raw kernel. 3- gpu (pycuda) arrays sxs, if...
as fast as (500000 itr.) as raw kernel. So, the most important lessons if you shall use pycuda for your work then 1- raw kernel is the same whether wsl or w11 2- elementwise is better and cool under wsl, you can use it instead of raw kernel. 3- gpu (pycuda) arrays sxs, if...
Where proprietor business is converted into a partnership, the exclusive interest of the proprietor is reduced and the business assets become sets of the firm in which he becomes a partner.
Psychological Research (2023) 87:768–786 ORIGINAL ARTICLE Time is of the essence: past selves are not prioritized even when selective discrimination costs are controlled for Julia Englert1 · Karola von Lampe1 · Nexh...
Not applicable. Informed Consent Statement Not applicable. Data Availability Statement The data presented in this study are available on request from the corresponding authors (M.O.; Z.B.). Acknowledgments The authors would like to thank the Polish National Centre for Research and Development and ...
[1] place the SDG 9: Industry, Innovation, and Infrastructure, as one of the goals applicable to coffee chain. In some places, the lack of proper transportation infrastructure in rural coffee-producing regions has driven down the prices that smallholders can charge for their coffee at farm-...
Tichseydsteepmens,daesnwceeNll uas=tof (vReeri)fyfoarnthdeiminplertopvieptehleinaeccaun- rbaecymoaftheexmistaitnicgamllyatdheesmcraibtiecdalinmtohdeeflos.rm as follows (error not more than 9.9%): Nu = 0.00031 · Re + 66.5 (5) This equation is applicable for Re values from 20,000 ...
Informed Consent Statement: Not applicable. Data Availability Statement: Data will be made available upon request by the corresponding author. Acknowledgments: The authors are indebted to Fernanda Lago Spitzner and Carlos Henrique Lopez for their technical assistance. Conflicts of Interest: The authors ...