Feline herpesvirus infection results in feline viral rhinotracheitis. The virus replicates in the mucosal tissues of the conjunctiva and upper respiratory tract and can result in a latent state through infection of neuronal tissue [8]. The presence of latent carrier cats can lead to the infection...
Infectious bursal disease (IBD), popularly known as Gumboro disease in the Himalayan countries, is a highly contagious and immunosuppressive disease of young chicken caused by IBD virus (IBDV) that is a naked icosahedral virus with segmented dsRNA belonging to the genusAvibirnavirusof the family B...
The attempt to spook folks into action is to get the additional push needed to join with those people who think there is an issue. And no, telling them “everything is fine, you were just fooled into thinking there is a problem” will not work. Because there IS a problem. In the cas...
The point behind Peter Thiel’s Palantir is to be a bigger and better “social database” than any other in the world, thus the get to database for any IC or LE or other interested entity world wide. And as long as Peter and friends data is kept out he is happy to sell to anyone...
Additionally, there was no change observed in polyunsaturated fat and dietary choline. Major micronutrients present in eggs including vitamin E (p = 0.026), lutein and zeaxanthin (p = 0.018), were higher with intake of 3 eggs per day when comparing to the choline supplement. No change was ...