Canada is on a path to Truth and Reconciliation - but more action is required from both government and citizens to move the process along. My hope is that Canadians will not celebrate with fireworks today, but rather take some time to learn about our past and commit to taking action toward...
Do Truth Commissions make a difference? When and how truth commissions contribute to reconciliationBachmann, Klaus
Start finding joy and happiness life! JOY IS BEST WHEN SHARED Jesus can help you focus on things that keep you doing his will.
Here is my biggest piece of advice for working mothers who wish they could stay home or go part-time: PRAY!!! I am serious – talk with God about why you want to stay at home.Every day I would pray, “God, you have put this desire to be home with my son in my heart. If thi...
Conway, OlwynMichigan State Law Review
truth and reconciliationrestorative justicetrial narrativeThe residents of Ferguson, Missouri may someday seek reconciliation. Yet in the wake of the death of Mike Brown, and in the half-year spent waiting for the slowSocial Science Electronic Publishing...