So, what I noticed is that if I booted back into the older 14.1-RELEASE kernel, I could get SDDM to start. I could then boot into the newer 14.1-RELEASE-p2 kernel and it would run and load SDDM, but upon reboot, it would keep crashing. I would have to boot into the older kernel...
You may think I’m silly mentioning this but I’m serious. Our lack of speaking the truth is because people are avoiding the truth. It’s harming our need to face and deal with reality. Pretending the elections of 2016 and 2024 (and the “election” of 2020) are unspeakable things that...
So you talk too much-about the minutiae of your life. It’s hard to recognize when *all our patter is about us.* If they grunt periodically in response, it’s enough to set off the Verbal Viagara and one continues their deep dive into some frankly boring, irrelevant stuff. They don’...
then debating, drafting and adopting another when a federal judge rejected the first version, the regents late last year decided to junk the whole deal. On Dec. 11, they officially voted to repeal what is formally known as UWS 17.06(2). The University of Wisconsin, among...