Previously announced legal drama MATLOCK, starring Kathy Bates, and POPPA'S HOUSE, a comedy starring Damon Wayans and Damon Wayans Jr., are currently planned to air during the 2024-2025 broadcast season. The following is the schedule of premieres: SUNDAY, FEB. 11 (FOL...
Now is the time to switch toLED bulbs, and the reasons why are vast and compelling. To begin with, LED bulbs last much longer than incandescent bulbs, and they put out the same amount of light using significantly less energy. That's great for the environment, and it can save you ...
California is too woke. Yes everyone should be socially responsible and treat others equally. However, when your gender, sexuality and race become the main focal point of your job in government, it will clearly take a back seat to the tasks at hand - namely your job. California suffers ...
No, eating at Burger King is not a great idea unless serious bloating really doesn’t bother you. But knowing what the healthiest fast food options are is a good idea, for situations when you’re in a (protein) pinch. You know, when literally all else fa
If they slack off against the Cardinals, it could cost them this time around. Carolina Panthers on Offense Cam Newton is just hard to stop and there is not much else to really needs to be said about it. He's strong, elusive, accurate, and a great leader. Tight end Greg Olsen is his...
By Antoinette Bueno Published: 10:06 AM PST, February 9, 2017 Is there a new man in Gaga's life?! Lady Gaga may be supremely cool and confident when it comes to her amazing Super Bowl halftime performance, but now we know one topic that can still make her blush! The 30-year-...