When Southern Baptists Were Ecumenical: 1899-1919For many people, the Southern Baptist Convention is synonymous with anti-ecumenical. There was...Wilkins, RayBaptist History and Heritage SocietyBaptist History and Heritage
ambivalence towards abortion in the official platforms of the largest Protestant denominations at the time the 1968 American Baptist Convention declared because Christ calls us to affirm the freedom of persons and the sanctity of life, we recognize that abortion should be a matter of responsible perso...
Martin Luther King and Robert Kennedy in 1968, the convention of the Democratic Party in Chicago that summer, the drug-infested gathering of the nation’s youth at Woodstock, and widespread urban civil unrest. Discord within the Church followed the publication of Pope Paul VI’s encyclical on ...
Mike Pence, at the 2020 Republican National Convention, via William T. Cavanaugh,The Uses of Idolatry. Compare this theHebrews 12:1-2and ask yourself “just how lowisthe bar for being considered a devout Christian Republican?” Cui bono? Cui bono?Whom did this new story serve? Who benefits...
SOUTHERN Baptist ConventionBAPTISTSRELIGIOUS experiencePRESENCE of GodRESEARCH personnelSOCIAL influenceResearchers studying religious experience have identified callings as a particularly salient context in which believers describe God's presence. They have noted standard elements that make ...