The next monthly Blue Moon is on May 31, 2026, according to Time and Date. The next seasonal blue moon will be on Aug. 21, 2032. When was the last Blue Moon? The last Blue Moon was on Aug. 19, 2024. Related: Supermoon Blue Moon 2024: Top photos from around the world If yo...
To find the Perseid meteor shower, it's a good idea to look for the point in the sky where they appear to originate from, this is known as the radiant. According to NASA, the Perseids' radiant is in thePerseus constellation. Though Perseus isn't the easiest to find, it conveniently fo...
During the event, the Moon will be less than 230,000 miles away. 01:56 Exploring Jupiter's Great Red Spot—the biggest storm in our solar system Famous for its Great Red Spot, Jupiter is a gas giant with some of the most fascinating weather in the solar system. Tags Moon Mars Jupiter...
The winter solstice is the day with the fewest hours of sunlight throughout the year, making it the “shortest day” of the year. Thankfully, after we reach the winter solstice, the days begin to grow longer and longer again until we reach thesummer solstice—the first day of summer and...
When does the fall semester 2023 start astronomically? Usually, when we talk about the first day in the fall season, we are referring to the beginning of the astronomical fall season, which is determined by the Earth's axis and its...
Nature's WarningsWhen the sky suddenly turns dark and the wind is strong,watch out a dangerous storm might be coming.Storms are scary(可怕).Watch for flashes(闪光)of lightning(闪电),Listen to thunder(雷声).If nature sends these warnings,don't wait for rain.Act right away to keep safe....
Whena solar storm wipes out the air traffic control system, Air Force Oneand a passenger jet liner are locked on a collision course in the skiesabove the midwest. 二架客机。 锁在灾害路线! Whena太阳风暴消除空中交通管制体制,空军喷气式客机划线员是锁着的在碰撞路线在skiesabove中西部的Oneand。[...
Energy is the ability to do work. Solar energy comes from the Sun. There is also energy that comes from wind and water. But do you know that energy can come from people,too? When you pedal a bike, you produce energy. You use your legs to push the pedals. Your energy is transferred...
The group is hiking to the AT to clear blowdowns. The Virginia Creeper Trail which runs parallel to the AT on lower ground, on an old short line rail bed, has been erased. It was the area’s economic engine. To date congress has not appropriated money to restore public lands in the...
Recent political developments in Kerala pose some serious questions in the minds of every responsible citizen in this God’s own country.As we all know,ruling front and its ‘captain’ Pinarayi Vijayan is being allegedly faced by serious corruption cases,as his office staff and other top brass ...