Typical lakers fans will try to nitpick this stats, and when DLO underperforms he will get slandered so much because he was put to a highstandard by lakers fans 典型的湖人球迷会对这些数据吹毛求疵,而当水拉表现不佳时,他又会被诋毁得体无完肤,因为湖人球迷对他的要求太高了。 It's called m...
Typical lakers fans will try to nitpick this stats, and when DLO underperforms he will get slandered so much because he was put to a highstandard by lakers fans 典型的湖人球迷会对这些数据吹毛求疵,而当水拉表现不佳时,他又会被诋毁得体无完肤,因为湖人球迷对他的要求太高了。 It's called m...