You can register onlinehere, or submit aregistration formin person or through the mail to your county election office by the same date. Online voter registration applications must be submitted by 11:59 p.m. that day. Your county board of elections must receive mail and in-person applications ...
I am not always in love with Peter (I’m sure it’s mutual, but this is my blog), and if I only focused on the lack of warm fuzzies and romance our marriage would not have made it. I love Peter. Sometimes I don’t like my husband’s choices or actions (again, I am positiv...
I work for one! Though at my end of stuff we are understaffed and underpaid for the work they expect from us–my solution is purge all the really stupid regs) and in the meantime, the EO has become essentially imperial fiat–a way for the pres to do an end run around Congress passing...
Updating Voter Registration Another critical aspect of your move involves updating your voter registration to reflect your new address. Participating in elections is a fundamental right and responsibility, and ensuring your voter registration is current is essential for having your voice heard in local, ...
I am a voter. is a public awareness campaign that aims to create a cultural shift around voting and civic engagement. We operate at a level above the contests and political noise.
you have the right to vote. This right was granted to every U.S. citizen by the 26th Amendment to the United States Constitution. Before you can vote, you must be registered. To register to vote, contact the county government where you live and ask for the voter registration office.[tran...
Francis, Samuel
When a public officer puts his ego on the line so much that he finds it difficult to listen to the public about failure that is staring his agency in the face if some new drastic action is not taken, he then looks for face-saving maneuvers that will...