Valorant players disappointed in “downgrade” VCT Capsules – but they may change soon Twitter: @PlayVALORANT Valorant added Bad Luck Protection back in 2021. Can I reroll my skins? Once you have rolled a skin in the Night Market, youcannotchange them. While this is a feature that fans ha...
when ever i try to download league of legends or valorant i get this error, ive tried doing... How to Fix League Of Legends Not Opening Issue If your League Of Legends not opening on Windows 10, then it might be happening due to one of the following rea...
Patch Notes: Lots of changes here, we're talking gun mechanics, agent tweaks and more! April 29th Announcement: Valorant’s latest update is being split between EU and NA, which means both servers will be offline at times that shouldn’t impact the majority of players in those regions. On...
A Series is a period of time that runs from the beginning of a major patch to the beginning of the next major patch – for example, patch 6.1 until patch 6.2. During these time periods, players can earn Series EXP in order to increase their level within the Series Malmstones system. By...
Consensus at this point is that the screen tint for the Infernal rift is too dominant. We'll be toning it down next patch. Should have a version on PBE next update, feedback on it much appreciated — Andrei van Roon (@RiotMeddler)November 22, 2019 ...
Ah okay, yeah the second season was bad, so I stopped, but I'll watch the next one then. But I switched over to Death Note and just finished that. And I was thinking about Code Geass next. Oh Death Note is sooo good. But yeah, ...
Doublelift:I don’t feel like it is that strong. First game, Heimer had no game impact at all. He just kept dying. I think we ended up winning because Yasuo and Swain got too strong. For the second time, there was a lot...