Even if there was a panel of commissioners, the head was the dominant figure. Durham — most famous for observing that British North America included “two nations warring in the bosom of a single state” — advocated the union of Upper Canada (Ontario) and Lower C...
and the entire structure that we have built our lives begins to crumble. There is no going back; the way the world made sense before and the expectations and beliefs that were deeply held about oneself and others are no longer salient. ...
While we appreciate that the first shot does not provide total protection, it does provide much better than no immunisation, so when Karen said Dee was leaving for Ontario at the end of the month of April and were we up to a lunch to bid her farewell, My Beloved and I said, since w...
It would be the harbinger of an entirely new medium of calculation, borrowing subatomic interactions to solve incalculable problems. Your part in making it happen may begin with convincing yourself black is white and up is down.
etc. but to achieve celebrity by any means possible. Skill and talent are not the point, it’s all about the fame. This is the actual career goal of the majority of kids out there. Of course the commonly perceived main routes to celebrity are sports, music, acting…and nothing (reality...
But partly because the left went so insane at the unexpected election result that it ripped off its own mask in favor of going completely and thoroughly nuts in public. What I was missing yesterday is that there have been several of these “steps” and they still keep coming. Because having...
Pushor, who was asked the question three times, said he preferred not to answer. "We do have a review that is being conducted by our board of directors," he said. "I think it's best that we let that review be a full independent review. All of those answers a...
Many Americans consider “the election” to be the fundamental institution of democracy, and to spoil our common trust in its practical efficacy and salutary potency disrespects the rules of the game from a procedural perspective – this is a process which he willingly joined and the rules of ...
I’d very much like to see people publicly denouncing the people that got us where we are with the lockdowns, the shampeachment, the election fraud, the criminals going unprosecuted (or let off lightly, or sent off without bail, or…), economy in shambles, the transportation infrastructure...