well-suitedtotravelersofallbudgets.Foodis cheap,soisgettingaroundusingtheminibuses. Youcanfindhostelsandlocalhomestaysforless than$10.Mealscost$4—$8perday. Romania,$33/day IfyouareplanningaEuropeantripthat?saffordableandalittlebitoffthebeatenpath,Romaniais perfect for you.Unlike other popular places...
if the boot time if the dreams die if the foot should sa if the market is pure if the old dog barks if the promotional pe if the seed doesnt di if the telephone ring if there are still pe if there is anythings if they get here if they prove effecti if they return to the if...
( )6. When will the girl give a speech? A. Next Monday B. Next Wednesday. C. Next Friday. ( )7. What is the girl going to talk about? A. Environmental protection. B. Language learning. C. Traditional culture. 听下面一段对话,回答第 8 至第 9 两个小题。 ( )8. Where is the ...
Driver’s view of the road Your mirrors, windscreen and windscreen wipers will all be checked to make sure you have a good view of the road How do I book an MOT test? You can use our tool to check when your next MOT is due. If it’s soon, here’s how to get your car booked...
To me,England is the country,and the country is England.And when I asked myself what I mean (41) England,when I think of England when I am (42) ,England comes to me through my (43) senses-through the ear,though the eye,and though certain imperishable scents.I will tell you what ...
1. What did the woman watch on TV last night? [ ] A. A basketball game. B. A baseball game. C. A Chinese test. 2. Why didn't the man watch TV last night? [ ] A. Because he wasn't interested in it.B. Because he wanted to play the game. C. Because he had to study...
When are the next monthly and seasonal Blue Moons? When was the last Blue Moon? Can the moon ever turn blue? Blue Moon FAQs answered by an expert Additional information When is the next Blue Moon? The next Blue Moon will occur on May 31, 2026. There are two types of Blue Moo...
A good way to pass an exam is to work hard every day in a year.You may fail in an exam if you are lazy for most of the year and then work hard only a few days before the exam.If you want to be good at English,you have to read stories in English and speak English as much ...
In 2020, for example, its Chang’e 5 probe returned to the earth carrying moon rocks. Those were the first moon samples brought to the earth since the 1970s.1. The meaning of the underlined word “launched” in the first paragraph is the closest to “___”. A.sent up B.landed C...