泰凯斯 Tychus Odin - NOW THIS WAS AN ABSOLUTE BRAWL! - B2GM 19:41 阿巴瑟 Abathur Ultimate Evo - THE ABA VS ZERA TYRANDE WAR! - B2GM 23:36 雷诺Raynor Hyperion - FULL Q BUILD RAYNOR IS AWESOME! - B2GM 14:58 萨穆罗 Samuro Bladestorm - TESTING SAMURO AFTER NERF(BUG FIX) - B2...
泰凯斯 Tychus Odin - NOW THIS WAS AN ABSOLUTE BRAWL! - B2GM 19:41 阿巴瑟 Abathur Ultimate Evo - THE ABA VS ZERA TYRANDE WAR! - B2GM 23:36 雷诺Raynor Hyperion - FULL Q BUILD RAYNOR IS AWESOME! - B2GM 14:58 萨穆罗 Samuro Bladestorm - TESTING SAMURO AFTER NERF(BUG FIX) - B2...
Whatever the truth is, the result was the same: a trainwreck of a performance that still elicits equal parts amusement, shame, anger and secondhand embarrassment. Watch Poison's Disastrous 1991 VMAs Performance DeVille was clearly on another planet from the start, careening across the stage and ...
“It can often seem the natural instinct when someone insults you is to fire back and give as good as you got. However, this can often lead to a tense situation that can escalate and become even more confrontational,” she said. “Is there an aspect of this situation you need to take ...
Scarface had an office cell next to the guard station yet separate from the other inmates. This is what is believed to be the VIP cell. The layers of paint reflect the tastes of the various occupants. It closed in 1970 and was literally left to rot. It looks today like the last ...
Whatever the truth is, the result was the same: a trainwreck of a performance that still elicits equal parts amusement, shame, anger and secondhand embarrassment. Watch Poison's Disastrous 1991 VMAs Performance DeVille was clearly on another planet from the start, careening across the stage and...
“Castles made of sand slip into the sea eventually”;2 Kool 2 Be 4-Gotten, Lucinda Williams, because I like the notion of being “too cool to be forgotten,” even if it is bullshit;Brokedown Palace, The Grateful Dead, because “I’m going to leave this brokedown palace”;Angel From...
soccer field, downshifts to "leisurely" when off it.His job on this day is simply to show up and ceremoniously sign his name to a $4.75 million, three-year contract with the Warner Communications-owned soccer club, the New York Cosmos, that will make him the highest-paid player in the ...
Apparently, he crashed there after bringing in the lurker the previous night. We’ll later learn her name is JO JUNG-SOOK (Lee Jung-eun). Chief Byun immediately assumes Yong-shik drunkenly kidnapped the person in question and brought them to the station. HA....
Whatever the truth is, the result was the same: a trainwreck of a performance that still elicits equal parts amusement, shame, anger and secondhand embarrassment. Watch Poison's Disastrous 1991 VMAs Performance DeVille was clearly on another planet from the start, careening across the stage and...