When the next update/patch? Title says it all 😉 No RepliesBe the first to reply About WRC General Discussion
- restarted my computer (2x) - made sure that my computer and drivers were up to date (they are) I saw in a previous post that others were having this problem and someone from EA said it should be resolved with the next app update. Which is why I am asking for that. Thanks! the...
coming to Apex Legends: Mobile for a little while now. A new trailer called Distortion has been released by Respawn, revealing that the new playable Legend is called Rhapsody. The character will be part of the new season 2 for the game and will come with a new map called Pythas Block...
I suggest doing clean install of the drivers. Here's the link for reference: Clean Installation of Intel® Graphics Drivers in Windows* A clean driver installation using DDU in safe mode is recommended. Follow this link for instructions. Let us know if the issue still per...
Instead, the field is not updated and the Status Details in Apex Jobs gives me the dreaded "First error: SObject row was retrieved via SOQL without querying the requested field" error. The following CMT seems to be working fine right now when there are records to count, but otherwise I'...
prebuilt_apex has been disabled when the device is configured for flattened APEXes, sanitized, instrumented, or built unbundled. However, apex_set which is another type of APEX prebuilt wasn't disabled for the same conditions. This change fixes the discripency. apex_set modules are also force...
I am using Angular 17, when ever the data stream is triggered from an SSE which is generally for every slipt second, I am updating my apex chart. I am using this for populating the real time data. I have tried setInterval, throttleTime of rxjs, triggering change detection...
I hope I can help you regarding the problem that you are experiencing with Apex Legends. Since this thread is about the Genshin Impact game it would be best if you can create another thread for it, so other community users can also see it and may be comment to provide...
Anyways I installed 537.58 again, as this is the only driver without micro stuttering in Apex Legends. 2 Snapzilla 1y 0 NVIDIA this issue STILL exists in your most recent drivers. and EVERY driver since 537.58. Again, disabling the power saving option 'turn off monitor after X minute...
Issue: Can anyone help me to resolve an issue I'm having with Apex Legends? Every time I attempt to start the game, I receive an error that says, “Couldn't start the game. Error Code: 30005 (CreateFile failed with 32.)” Understand instantly Fix 1. Repair or reinstall Ea...