Basically, if the envelope containing your tax return is properly prepared by your tax due date, you aren’t late. This is true even if the IRS takes a long time to process it. However, if you make any errors while addressing the envelope, this is considered your fault. For this reason...
At the start of each year, the IRS announces when taxpayers can start filing their annual returns — an eagerly awaited date given that many workers will receive their tax refunds just weeks later. The IRSsaidMonday that it is opening the tax filing season on January 29, which means that t...
This is the 2026 IRS income tax return due day for 2026 Income Tax Returns! If you owe, e-file even if you can't pay! We suggest you don't wait to file in case you have last minute questions. In addition, you will not jeopardize the tax deadline if you owe taxes. In most case...
On Jan. 11,the IRS announcedthat California storm victims now have until May 15, 2023 to file various federal individual and business tax returns and make tax payments. The IRS is offering the extension to people in areas designated by the Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA). Included a...
If you filed your federal return electronically and are due a refund,the IRS saysyou can generally expect it within 21 days. (Enrolling in direct depositwill help you get your money faster, too.) If there is an issue with your return or if you filed a paper return, it may take longer...
The due dates for filing Forms W-2 with SSA are: The last day of February for paper forms March 31 for forms filed electronically The IRS and SSA exchange employment tax data. This data is an IRS document matching program that compares amounts reported to the IRS with amounts reported ...
you can file for an extension for free using the IRS’s Free File. Paper filers will need to submitForm 4868to get a six-month extension on their tax deadline. The deadline to request an extension is the tax filing due date — April 15, 2025. This gives you until October 15,...
2. Avoiding processing delays:During the IRS e-filing shutdown, returns cannot be processed, and refunds cannot be issued. By being aware of these dates, taxpayers can adjust their expectations and avoid frustration if their refund is delayed due to the shutdown. ...
The deadline for filing your tax return for 2024 is April 15, 2025. The IRS will begin accepting 2024 tax returns towards the end of January. When is the last day to file taxes? Technically, the last day to file taxes this year was April 15, or Oct. 15 if you filed an extension....
Some tax filers do sometimes get notification that their return is processing early, prior to the official IRS e-filing date. This is because their return was part of a IRS test batch – known as Hub testing – where the IRS randomly takes a few thousand returns (o...