When the dust settles on this wild and wacky GOP primary season,there will be at least one clear...Malkin, Michelle
The Republican Party platform would have to be completely amended in order to become relevant to this segment of the electorate. The problem, of course, is that such amendments would almost by definition offend the party elites. The crux of the issue here — what happens to a pa...
I work for one! Though at my end of stuff we are understaffed and underpaid for the work they expect from us–my solution is purge all the really stupid regs) and in the meantime, the EO has become essentially imperial fiat–a way for the pres to do an end run around Congress passing...
Yet gender has been a major theme of the 2020 campaign, as candidates, voters and the media debate whether a woman can win the presidency. To better understand what it’s really like to try and win an election as a woman, we spoke to women from every state who have done it — 97 ...
(For the record, if you want to engage in a civilized debate on this issue, I’m happy to do so. Send me hate mail and I’ll block you. Because I’ve had it.) I’ve had it with children shooting other children. Who buys their five-year-old something called “My First Rifle”...
In politics, it's a far cry (OK, pun intended) from 1972, when Sen. Ed Muskie's presidential campaign was derailed by what were perceived to be tears in response to a newspaper attack on his wife. Whether he actually cried is still up for debate. But decades later, an occasional Clin...
partisan debate. But national security often transcends our domestic divisions because many of us here understand that keeping Americans safe from threats abroad — from terrorism, from military aggression, and from the type of economic coercion we’re seeing from China — is too important to let...
And there was a 32-year-old man from Ventura, Calif., who said in videos posted on YouTube and other platforms long before Jan. 6 that the Smithsonian Institution is hiding evidence of giants, and that we may be living in a simulation. ...
The adoption of artificial intelligence in health care is reviving the debate over medical malpractice reform — with a new twist.
routine step that has become one of the House GOP’s biggest headaches: votes on rules for floor debate. Multiple factions of the Republican conference — most notably conservative hardliners, though they’re not alone — have stopped or threatened to stop floor action ...