When is this Fortnite Season ending (and what is the next one)? According to Fortnite's official website, Absolute Doom is scheduled to end on November 2nd. However, these dates aren't set in stone and can change based on player response, development plans, and technical issues. Though ...
Fortnitemares 2024 這項受歡迎的萬聖節活動預定在第四季結束前登場,在限定時間內帶來鬼怪元素、面板和模式。玩家可以期待主題挑戰與 cosmetic 獎勵。 地圖變更 第五章第四季為地圖帶來了重大的變更,例如「末日城堡」和「木筏」,隨著季節過渡,預計還會有進一步的變更,包括新的興趣點。 化妝品與皮膚 本季的戰鬥...
When does the current Fortnite season end? TheBattle Pass Web Page(Opens in a new tab)shows the end date of the current season in the upper right corner. You can also see the current season's end date in the Battle Pass tab in-game. Keep in mind that due to...
根據目前賽季的進度,下一季 《Fortnite 要塞英雄》應該會在 2024 年 12 月初左右開始。 不過,Epic Games 尚未正式確認確切的開始日期。一如往常,有許多 《Fortnite 要塞英雄》洩密消息暗示了下個賽季可能包含的內容,從新皮膚到地圖變更和限時活動。 若要獲得 《Fortnite 要塞英雄》賽季最精確的細節,請在臨近賽季...
While we are not able to provide information ahead of time, as we gear up for the release of the next Fortnite season, please keep an eye on our official channels to stay up-to-date on the latest information as soon as it gets announced. ...
Here's when Fortnite OG Season 2 is launching, as well as some info on what to expect from Chapter 1 Season 2.
Fortnite Chapter 5 Season 2 start time: when will Fortnite servers be back up? Fortnite is currently in scheduled downtime following the end of Chapter 5 Season 1. This means Chapter 5 Season 2 is just around the corner, and with it will come new weapons, a new look for the island,...
per ottenere aiuto più velocemente, utilizzare gli strumenti self-service e gestire le tue richieste di assistenza. Quando termina la stagione in corso di Fortnite? Lapagina web del Pass battagliamostra la data finale della stagione in corso nell'angolo superiore destro. La data final...
While we are not able to provide information ahead of time, as we gear up for the release of the next Fortnite season, please keep an eye on our official channels to stay up-to-date on the latest information as soon as it gets announced. ...
While we are not able to provide information ahead of time, as we gear up for the release of the next Fortnite season, please keep an eye on our official channels to stay up-to-date on the latest information as soon as it gets announced. Official News Page:...