What day is it and what’s happening?And finally: What is this Imaginary Guide to Game Audio really about?Each year I attempt to frame the opportunities that exist in the biggest multiplayer game-of-game developers in the world. A choose-your-own-adventure of: education, community, ...
well-suitedtotravelersofallbudgets.Foodis cheap,soisgettingaroundusingtheminibuses. Youcanfindhostelsandlocalhomestaysforless than$10.Mealscost$4—$8perday. Romania,$33/day IfyouareplanningaEuropeantripthat?saffordableandalittlebitoffthebeatenpath,Romaniais perfect for you.Unlike other popular places...
BOSTON — Smokers with asthma were more likely to be prescribed a smoking cessation treatment than smokers who did not have asthma, according to a poster at the American College of Allergy, Asthma & Immunology Annual Scientific Meeting. “Nicotine is a very addictive substance, so, of ...
“One of the drawbacks about adventures is that when you come to the most beautiful places you are often too anxious and hurried to appreciate them.” -C.S. Lewis, The Horse and His Boy
For 2024 I cleared most of my previous answers from 2023 to start fresh, as it can be tempting to reuse more than a few (which I’ve done in the past and is okay). I did consult posts from social media, blog entries here and even our family holiday letter (that we sent with our...
“Protect This House is iconic. It means a lot to me to be part of it with Under Armour and work with London On Da Track, one of the top producers in the world, to record a custom version of the chant that captures what I’m about and will hopefully get a new generation of ...
This is how the Fish Gods reward hubris. David scored a nice cobia. Just to be confusing, the Australians call these “Lemonfish.” The tiger shark that chased my jobfish decided to hang around the boat, which, although preferable to a Huntsman spider, was still fairly intimidating. This ...