A candidate who wins a primary or caucus is typically allocated delegate slots that will be filled with actual people at the states' party conventions later on. But if a candidate drops out before those delegate slots are filled with their supporters, those spots may be filled with people who...
But also possible, is that companies selling AI systems may begin to face liability problems for damages caused by their products. This is already a concern in the insurance industry (an early adopter of AI systems for automating repetitive processes and performing risk analysis). Last year, ast...
O’Malley touts endorsements of current, former Congressional Black Caucus members in DNC chair bid by Tara Suter 11 hours ago Campaign Pence: ‘Admirable’ that Harris certified Trump’s win after losing election by Brett Samuels 11 hours ago Administration Trump chief of staff praises ...
Yet unpaid congressional interns have become so embedded into the fabric of the institution that the practice of not paying them is rarely questioned. It wasn’t always this way. Paid internships were the norm on Capitol Hill until a few decades ago. This was back when congressional staffers ...
We won’t here delve into the cause of congressional cravenness, except to say that the individual ambitions of careerist lawmakers has made lawmaking seem rather too icky. Where we’ve landed, and this has been very much for the current presidency and the one before it, is where every...
"I agree with several congressional Democrats who say Feinstein should resign immediately and let someone else who is able to do the job take over," Haleywrote in an op-ed. "At 89 years old, she is a prime example of why we need mental competency tests for politicians. ...
CBS News Political Unit AP Ellee Watsonnotes that many candidates, including Mayor Pete Buttigieg and Sen. Bernie Sanders, have called for Congressional Authorizations of Use of Force to have clear end goals, but Gillibrand is the first to propose setting strict time limits. ...