Kurdistan, Somaliland, and Kosovo have rich histories, but decades of conflict jeopardize their preservation. These unsung heroes persevere to save their cultural heritage.
We pray for her release, but remain resolute that our government is doing everything with8 their power to ensure safe release or rescue of all being held in Gaza. The other topic of conversation up here in the North is, “What do you think will happen after the ceasefire ends?” The ...
I finally had some down time and took a two-week staycation in Dubai. Originally, we had planned one last adults-only break in the Maldives, but when I realised it was a no-go due to Zika virus, we decided it wo...
JULY:We had just gotten over a super busy month of Ramadan and I had travelling plans lined up, starting from London. I noticed my mood was so low, feeling lethargic and just irritated at the littlest of things. I discussed this with my friend when she rando...
The major Islamic holidays in Dubai include the holy month of Ramadan, Eid al-Fitr, Eid al-Adha (Feast of Sacrifice), Hijri (Islamic new year) and the Prophet Mohammad's birthday. An Islamic calendar can be found here, but it is important to understand that the exact date(s) may not...