However, this is not the first time Ram Charan has spoken about his Hollywood debut. The Rangasthalam actor, in an earlier interaction with Sam Fragaso, revealed that he is in talks for a Hollywood project. In yet another interaction with David Poland, Ram C...
while international viewers can watch the ceremonial first pitch via SOOP by Afreeca TV. With J-Hope stepping onto the mound, there is growing excitement to see if he can bring luck to the KIA Tigers as the "victory fairy" (Seungyo), addin...
Suhana will be seen in filmmaker Zoya Akhtar’s The Archies, releasing next year on Netflix. Aryan Khan will be going behind the camera for his first film, written by him. Other than Pathaan in January, he has Atlee’s Jawaan in June and Rajkumar Hirani’s Dunki in December of the ...