When you alert creditors to the death, you can avoid dealing with debt collectors in the future. Here are some common terms that may help you understand what happens to credit card debt when someone dies. Probate: Probate is the common legal term for the handling of a decedent’s affairs....
There is no federal law that requires landlords to inform new potential tenants that a previous occupant died on the premises. However, some states do require disclosure. For example, in California, you have to disclose to potential tenants if anyone has died on the property within the last th...
Wills need to be accessible after the probate process is finished because someone (such as a creditor) missed during probate may have a claim on the estate. For this reason, probated wills become public records, which means anyone can show up at the courthouse and view them in their entiret...
and was intimidated by probate court, antique vehicle maintenance and home management and the hassles of the estate that my sister was in charge of anyway, so I let my family talk me into “selling” it to the next-door-neighbor, Ken. Just about…just about… Ken Barbe and his wife Lin...
4. Estate purposes: When a property is left to successor trustees or left in probate, the value of the disinherited property must be determined to figure the inheritance tax, if any, and to determine the division of assets if they are not sold on an open market. The count will need valu...
your lease could contain language that says something along the lines of, “in the event of the sale, the current lease agreement will be void once a new owner takes over the property”. While it is possible that your lease could have this type of property sale clause, they are not very...