theEasterseason. “The first reference to a general feast celebrating all saints occurs in St. Ephrem theSyrian(d. AD 373). St. John Chrysostom (d. AD 407) assigned a day to the feast, the first Sunday after Pentecost, where in the Eastern Churches the feast is celebrated to this day...
The Turn of Time When are Ember Days? There are a total of 12 Ember Days each year. They are observed on the Wednesdays, Fridays, and Saturdays following the first Sunday in Lent, Whitsunday-Pentecost, the Feast of the Holy Cross, and theFeast of St. Lucia. While the first Sunday in...
Lucia. While the first Sunday in Lent and Whitsunday-Pentecost change each year based on Easter, the Feast of the Holy Cross and the Feast of St. Lucia are fixed dates, on September 14 and December 13, respectively. In 2024, Ember Days are observed on February 21, 23, and 24; May ...