[upd. 18.08.2024] You can now try out the first published Reliverse Addon – @reliverse/fs, which is already available and used in Relivator! 🎉 The upcoming Relivator 1.3.0 will have as few dependencies as possible. Everything will work thanks to @reliverse/addons. Everything will ...
dition, the nickel replaces the impact "welding effect" of the fragments in the radial direc- Materials 2023t,i1o6n, 5.4T64hus, no molten state and material is missing on the surface in the radial direction, 8 of 19 which protects the fragments from fracture in the radial direction. (...
Therefore, one of the tasks of experimental research focussing on the rate of heat transfer of gas flows in inlet and outlet systems is to study the instantaneous local heat transfer under the conditions of gas-dynamic unsteadiness (pulsating flows), as well as the mathematical description of ...