The scores were then used in conjunction with anapplicant’s score on the Graduate Management Admission Test, orGMAT, a standardized exam which is ___12___ out of 800 points, tomake a decision on whether to accept him or her.Dr.Simonsohn found if the score of the previous candidate in...
When the Problem Is Not the Question and the Solution Is Not the Answer: Mathematical Knowing and Teaching Magdalene Lampert American Educational Research Journal, Vol. 27, No. 1. (Spring, 1990), pp. 29-63. Stable URL:
Moitshepi Matsheng Contributions N.A. and M.M. conceived the study and oversaw data collection efforts. N.A. conducted the analysis, generated tables and figures, and wrote the drafts of the manuscripts. N.A. and P.B. oversaw survey and experimental design. P.B. edited drafts of the ...
The first example is taken from the one of the sessions taking place before any intervention was conducted, where the students discussed a case in cultural competence. The second excerpt is from the same session about cultural competence, but this time, the focus is set on multiple CT and ...
Thatis thenatureof agencyIemphasisein thisarticle.Theinterviewsin thischapter arepartof alargerproject thatinvestigates thelabourandsocialhistoryof NS over five decades(Li 2019).Theywereconductedandrecordedwiththeinterviewees’consentduringmyvisitsto NS for fieldworkbetween2007 to 2014.Comingto NS:“We...
.Cuttingresultsindicatethatdifferentcoatedtools,togetherwithcuttingvariables,playasignificantrolein determiningthemachinabilitywhenmillingMat-M247. Keywords:Mar-M247;toolwear;orthogonalmachining;shearstress 1IntrOducti0n Mar_M247 is a high—strength.therma1.resistant (HSTR)nickel—basedalloy,whichhasresultedinit...
Maradi and Zinder are densely populated, agriculturally based regions in southern Niger compared to the northern part of the country which is largely desert and nomadic. To achieve saturation, the study team conducted 40 in-depth interviews with mar- ried men (ages 18–59) and married women (...
They will be measured more systematically in the next section, where realistic simulation of heat transfer in 2D will be conducted. 4.2. Case Study 2 with Large Value of Parameter a In this numerical experiment, we use Equation (4) and the following parameters: 𝐷=1 , 𝑎=−5 ,...
Eric Petersen, Jordyn Kippe, and Andrew Stewart conducted imaging. Olivia Lossia conducted cortical culture. Abeer Al-Gharaibeh, Aaron Antcliff, and Rebecca Culver conducted animal surgery. Douglas Swanson synthesized the dendrimers used in this study and helped draft the manuscript. Gary Dunbar, ...