When to use parentheses When to use an instead of a? When to use a hyphen instead of a comma? What part of speech is nor? What is a negative sentence in English grammar? When to use italics When to use an Oxford comma When should you use the word an vs. the word and?
It also applies to singular nouns that end in “s” (e.g., “the analysis’s implications“), acronyms (e.g., “the BBC’s funding”), proper nouns (e.g., “Jack’s cat”), and compound nouns (where the apostrophe “s” is always added to the final word: “his brother-in-...
Being drawn upon frequently to write documents for the Business sector, I am quite often puzzled as to when it is appropriate to capitilise a word. For instance, should I capitilise the first letters of analyst programmer ? When should I capitilise proper nouns etc When is it appropriate...
If you have a choice, consider using “et al.” in your reference list. This is preferable since it helps keep your references succinct. To use “et al.” in your references, state the name of the first listed author and follow it by “et al.” in italics in the author section...
When to use single quotation marks When to use italics Is a date a proper noun? When to use a comma vs. a semicolon Is vice president hyphenated? Is birthday a compound word? When to use a dash When to use et al. in APA formatting When does compositionality break down? When should ...
What is the best time to send an email invitation? It really isn't easy to tell. First off, we must understand that people use email differently. While one person checks his inbox once per week, another reads hers 10 times per year. Obviously, if you look at your stats, you'll see...
It is difficult to indicate the proper emphasis in the English text, since the use of italics is limited to words not in the original. LinksRomans 2:14 InterlinearRomans 2:14 Parallel TextsRomans 2:14 NIVRomans 2:14 NLTRomans 2:14 ESVRomans 2:14 NASBRomans 2:14 KJVRomans 2:14 Bible...
There is a reason so few people visit Nakun, another of the parks Sofia helps manage; it’s just very challenging to get to. The ruts and holes in the dirt road are so formidable we averaged about 7.5 miles per hour in a Ford Expedition; an elite marathoner averages about 12. So ...
First Lesson: Swearing Is Ok Which suggests that the first lesson of this short post is a simple one: it’s okay to use the word ‘fuck’ for effect, depending on genre. And to be clear: mine is acrimenovel. Its heroine (and first person narrator), Fi, is gritty and direct in he...
Is it bad to use Helvetica? In the image below you can see that at small sizes, some of the letter combinations of Helvetica become disastrous both in terms of legibility and readability. Clearly,Helvetica is not a great typeface for body text. In fact, with its closed aperture (closed le...