aIt is the interest that accumulates during a year is added to the principal at year’s end; therefore an individual can earn more interests in the following year. 它是积累在一年期间增加到校长在年的末端的兴趣; 因此个体在来年能赢得更多兴趣。[translate] ...
aAUTOshift in the field range disengaged every time the implement is raised and re-engaged when it is lowered 当自动作用开关仍然被压下,精选必需"去"使用加速按钮(1)适应或减速传动按钮(2)。段为“去"选择的齿轮将闪动。 发布自动开关。 降低贯彻按按和发布快速的培养开关[translate] ...
aWe have based on your quotation to quote the price to customer without any surcharge for this. You should inform us in advance. It is difficult to charge customer this time. Could you waive this charge this time ? And pls be remind that if you need to charge any surcharge when you quo...
A'isha(安拉高兴与她的)报道:安拉的使者(愿平安归于他)嫁给我,我六岁的时候,和我考上了他的房子时,我9岁。 It is provided in law that spouse means the person with whom a personismarried;andwhenadivorce has
19.We may know that there are four basic periods for human beings to pass through when you enter and live in another country.This process helps you deal with culture shock.Culture shock begins with the honeymoon period .This is the time when you firs
((If they only knew what they contain (Isha’a prayers as well as Fajr prayers), they would come even if they had to crawl.)) [Al Nassaee] Time act of worship is to give everything what it deserves, and there are actions for Allah in the night which is not accepted to be don...
“In theory I’m very pro cameras in court, but in practice it still raises a lot of issues. It does have the possibility of turning into a spectacle. But the media has evolved. People might invest time to go to a courtroom, but those who would like to might also b...
Here are a few ways to respond to a compliment: “Thank you, it makes my day to hear that.”“I really put a lot of thought into this, thank you for noticing.”“Thank you, I really appreciate you taking the time to express that.” ...
11All the avadim of HaMelech, and the people of the provinces of HaMelech have da’as that whosoever, whether ish or isha, shall come unto HaMelech into the pnimiyus khatzer (innermost courtyard), who is not called, there is echat dat (one law) of his to put him to death, except...
14And two wings of the Nesher hagadol (great Eagle) were given to the ISHA that she might fly to her place in the midbar, where she is nourished there for a time and times and half a time, away from the presence of the NACHASH (Serpent) . [SHEMOT 19:4;DANIEL 7:25;12:7] ...