If you are deciding on what VSA (EMC VNX or Celerra) to download and use, I would recommend the VNX VSA as the physical version is the latest Unified Storage offering from EMC – better to invest your time in learning the more recent version in my opinion. So here they are folks, the...
movie starts like: Sahar's mother is in the police station and says my daughter didn't come back home last night ...) Sahar is a divorced woman in society of Iran with all problems and hardships... FAJR film festival in Iran . and movie was candidate in 5 parts for SEEMORGH award...
the end of Ramadan. This practice is to ensure that this holiday isn’t just enjoyed by those who are privileged enough to afford it but by everyone. On a typical day during the celebration, a Muslim will rise before sunrise to offer their pre-sunrise prayer known as Salatul Fajr. ...
for one who has a visitor is to treat him with hospitality, for one who has a son about to be examined is to prepare a suitable environment for study, for one who has a daughter at the age of marriage is to find her the suitable husband,...
There is a set of duas that should be made in the morning, the majority being found in the Fortress of the Muslim. Either purchase a copy of the pocket-sized book or download it as a dua app on your phone. Spend some time after fajr reciting these essential duas asking Allah سب...
it is interesting to see whether the film will be made available for public screening as scheduled in the Iranian new year (after March 21, 2009). Screening of a film in the Fajr Film festival has never guaranteed its immunity to the censorship knife. Would the critical voices that bemoan ...
Therefore, Ramadan is the month of the Noble Qur'an, the month of forgiveness, the month of repentance, the month of reconciliation with Allah, the month of approaching Him, the month of night prayers and the month of fajr prayer.
God is Great God is Great La ilaha illa Allah There is no god except the One God For the pre-dawn (fajr) prayer, the l following phrase is inserted after the fifth part above, towards the end: As-salatu Khayrun Minan-nawm (x2) ...