(event,arg1,_,_)~J ~`~`~`~`local~`ShadowTalent~`=~`IsSpellKnown(589)--判断是否为暗影天赋~J ~`~`~`~`if~`classIndex~`~|=~`5~`then~`~`--如果不是牧师~J ~`~`~`~`~`~`~`~`--T2D_TMWSTRING~`=~`"测试"~J ~`~`~`~`~`~`~`~`T2D_TMW_TOGGLE~`=~`0~`--关闭T2D_TMW...
Latest commit haoadoresorange Change schema API Dec 2, 2021 15b46c1·Dec 2, 2021 History History
Hi, I get the below error when I append the message to the sent folder. the same code has worked before. But for some reason, it stopped working. Error is below: The IMAP server replied to the 'APPEND' command with a 'BAD' response: Addi...
Our explorative model is a first of its kind and highlights the complex relationships between the variables under consideration. Though the data collection precedes the covid-19 pandemic, our findings are relevant to the pandemic era because if in ordinary time families with allergies face ...
This is partially due to the time span of neural involvements in team activities, ranging from the millisecond neurodynamic oscillations in individual brains to the observed performance behaviors in the overall team that occur over hours/days. The power–law structures of the data streams left by ...
R11ecoaf l1l8 TIftSrrht1adgcPaohoPbBwos1rerRvmareoeem:iysiS0evittottughw0lwhemIhrplcpino)enenFoaelettswefsre.hseimve,orsibgJnenndcelr.wayume(iGrea0naai1ar7aientnwu6le2vdto:tmh0l:t-t:eelFeo00I8ei0adnaaiu0f0rrrs–ngfoskesls.e–ic1dhuamtrs2isth12wnnt0oofriw2:iduoi1eg0dswnle:9w...
However, to our knowledge, this is the first time that evidence has been brought to light that impurities can affect metabolic fluxes. The simplest explanation for the obser- vations of the present work, in combination with the results of previous studies, is that a contaminating by-product ...