This year, eyes are on Warner Bros.' Mad Max prequel, which centers on the warrior Furiosa from 2015's "Fury Road," and the long-awaited sequel to 1988's "Beetlejuice," which is also coming from the studio. There's also the hotly anticipated "Deadpool 3," the first R-ratedDisney-M...
How to watch: Harry Potter is streaming on Peacock. SEE ALSO: 'The Secrets of Dumbledore' review: Time to put 'Fantastic Beasts' out of its misery 7. Long Way North This absolutely stunning, hand-drawn film hasn't garnered as much attention as, say, Pixar's latest, but that's no ...
Turns out, the answer is simple: cut out all the cheap parodies, snark and cynicism of the Shrek series, and replace it with genuine storytelling and deep themes like the inevitability of death and appreciating the life you have. I also really like the animation style, even if it does hav...
The NLS server is normally listed as an exclusion in the NRPT, because we need it to not be available to DA clients, as its unavailability is what triggers the DA client to initialize the DA connection: This issue sounds like a problem with the connection itself, but we can see it is...
this is pretty circular i think which leads me to believe that the pure soul thing isn't real. does poor decision making, being hurtful, selfish, etc mean you're bad? is that always harming others? is that corruption? cos yea when she lets people treat her like garbage it's A MESS ...