Fallow deer are medium-sized and they have a comparatively longer tails than the other. The hunting season of fallow male deer is from August to April and for female fallow deer, this time is from October to February. Sika Deer Sika deer are mainly found in Japan, China, New Zealand, an...
In the 1760s, Captain Jonathan Carver heard this Native American term during his travels. Also in the realm of animals, Deer Rutting Moon (Dakota, Lakota) refers to the mating season. Digging/Scratching Moon is a Tlingit term for when bears dig their winter dens. Whitefish Moon (Algonquin...
Deer hunters' risk is greatest on opener; Deer hunting is relatively safe. But when Minnesota's season begins Saturday, injuries and even some deaths are likely to occur. Most hunters will congregate in the north, but hunters in the south face greater risks.(NEWS)...