I hope Patch 1.06 come this week and also solve these issues. FIX BOUNTIES AND BLASTER STANCE REBIND ON PS5" You may want to edit your post and clarify what exactly is wrong with blaster stance if you want a fix. I don't have a PS5, and to me it seems like there's nothing wrong...
When the next update/patch? Title says it all 😉 No RepliesBe the first to reply About WRC General Discussion
Operating System Linux via Bottles (Wine) BG3 Mod Manager Version BG3 Game Version Full Release Patch 5 Bug Summary When trying to import a mod I get the following error in the log and UI reports the mod has no pak file (it does...
so my tip is just switch in BG3 Mod Manager to the development branch and select latest version, maybe the development branch has a few more bugs in it but it should be more up to date if that is what you all want. cheers everybody hope i helped a bit!
I'm trying to use the REST-API of Sharepoint (On-Premise). When I use Get-Requests everything is just fine. As soon as I try to change data using either a Patch or Post Request I get an error (403 Forbidden). We are using the NTLM-Authentication and I'm re...
I have two windows 10 machine that both of them is in the WORKGROUP network. I want to connect to the second windows 10 machine with Enter-PSSession but I got the following error:prettyprint 复制 [win10-2] Connecting to remote server win10-2 failed with the following error message : ...
As the title says, I get a 100% reproducible crash of the whole settings app when trying to "add an app" in "Wheel" (Surface Dial) settings
Using File Explorer there is only c: drive, mapped drives are not visible. Switching to a dos prompt I can change to each drive letter (3 in total) h:, i:, u:, I have run gpresult and it shows component status , Group Policy Drive Maps as Success. Now if I change the Group P...
In this case, the goal is not only to prevent the particles of interest from diffusing into contact with the air–water interface but also to increase the number of particles seen in each image. In this direction, it is natural to think of developing various types of affinity grids as ...
Adobe is mis-firing, so look for a patch for that. Slack is not known for sipping resources, nor Docker, nor a hypervisor, nor Google apps including Chrome. And if the VPN you have installed here is active when you're testing, disable that and test again. Reply User...