The benefits of Authoritarian Leadership For the long term, adopting nothing but an autocratic leadership style can be more damaging than rewarding, as it is seen as a cold, dictatorial, ‘I’m right’ management style, which can undermine people and stifle creativity. The art of leadership is...
CITIZENSHIPThis study draws on the impression management perspective to examine how authoritarian leadership influences compulsory citizenship behavior (CCB) via displaying faades of conformity and whether leaders in high-quality leader-member exchange (LMX) moderates the relationships among these factors ...
Low LPC leaders tend to be most effective when situational control is: A) somewhat high. B) somewhat low. C) moderate to neutral. D) either very high or very low. Least-Preferred Coworker Scale: The least-Preferred C...
My own theory of the case, following Sherlock Holmes’ advice—“When you have eliminated the impossible, whatever remains, however improbable, must be the truth”—is that Trump is exactly what he appears to be: an ignorant buffoon who has been carried to the presidency twice on the winds ...
Critical thinking is a strange bird: We all know it when we see it, but its definition is hard as heck to pin down. So, when employers say they want their employees to be critical thinkers, how’s that working out for them?
As followers, how might we experience differences when we are being led by a leader who has a "motivation-to-lead" vs. a leader with a "motivation-to-serve"? Leadership Styles: Leaders control followers through particular st...
We did not expect this paper to emerge from our work with these diverse research teams. In many ways, that is what excited us most about this project: It is truly grounded in the experiences of our participants. Our advice to incoming researchers in this area of study – in studying and...
The whole network of work and information is made on the foundation and growth of communication. Also, the communication has opened its path and has not confined to some written documents, oral and vocal agreement, and so on. Answer and Explanatio...
might indeed be a group of individuals who need to be carefully managed if they enter the organization. One study suggests that transformational leadership is an effective style to lead Mach employees toward pro-organizational behaviors (Belschak et al.2015), yet more research on this is needed....
Russia presents a more complex picture. To some, Putin is a mastermind. He surely has demonstrated that authoritarian states can sow disinformation and distrust within democratic states and assist favored candidates. Putin has done so not just in the United States, but also across Europe. ...