Is less more? 2 The Scorpion King In 'The Mummy Returns' Photo: Universal Pictures While they haven't necessarily held up well in the two decades since, whenThe Mummycame out in 1999, the special effects by Industrial Light & Magic werestate-of-the-art. So whenThe Mummy Returnswas relea...
Q: There is cat in the opening of the Madoka series, yet it never appears in the anime. What's going on with that? A: I really don't know myself. The only specification was to create a very fluffy, happy opening which doesn't hint at the events to come. I like to know what ...
had everything laid out for her on a silver platter except the one thing she desired most which was to be recognized as the greatest magic user in the land. The two clash constantly with Galinda being preppy and upbeat while Elphaba is more measured and guarded, but their fighting only in...
The wait to turn left is notorious for being a long one, even when I'm the only one at the stoplight. There have been times I've considered turning left anyway when the lanes next to me have a green light and no one's coming from the opposite direction. But ultimately I respect the...