The tricky part is, you're really supposed to be asleep before he gets close enough for you to hear him. If you're awake, and Santa swings by, he moves on the the next house. So, when is Santa supposed to arrive in Amarillo, Texas?
If your business is earning less than $30,000 in a givencalendar quarteror in the four preceding calendar quarters, then you are considered asmall supplierand wouldnot be requiredto register for Quebec QST until you surpass that threshold. Once you surpass that threshold, you have one month t...
Benjamin certainly got to Spain. Carrying onlya heavy, black suitcase, he joined a Jewish refugee group and crossed through the Pyrenees from France on 25 September 1940. Stumbling through mountains is a monumental task. Stumbling through mountains with a heavy suitcase is almost impossible, but B...