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“And when he who has a discharge is cleansed of his discharge, then he shall count for himself seven days for his cleansing, and wash his clothes;
What is a “Menstrual Discharge Collection Device”? Posted onFebruary 22, 2024byBridget Crawford Laura Strausfeld of Period Law explains the termhere, and why it matters in the fight to eliminate the sales tax on menstrual products. Share this: ...
A Chapter 7 bankruptcy, called a liquidation, will discharge the debtor from all existing debts while a Chapter 11 bankruptcy called a business reorganization and a Chapter 13 wage-earner bankruptcy petition allows the debtor to repay their debts...J. Rush...
A Chapter 13, on the other hand, is an adjustment of debts, not a complete liquidation. With it, you would pay some creditors at least a portion of what you owe through the courts, and at the end of a three- to five-year time frame, you would be able to discharge the remainder ...
With a Chapter 13, payments can be spread out, however the overall cost is a lot more. Having to hire and pay an attorney several thousands dollars is also a daunting prospect for those in financial turmoil, but Lawless said a lawyer is a better option than filing for bankruptcy yoursel...
For a Chapter 7 bankruptcy, the discharge is usually issued anywhere from four to six months after the bankruptcy petition is filed. The discharge under Chapter 13 bankruptcy is issued after the payment plan is complete, usually three to five years after the bankruptcy filing. Once your debts h...
Chapter 7 bankruptcy, the type most individuals file, is also referred to as a straight bankruptcy or liquidation. A trustee appointed by the court can sell some of your property and use the proceeds to partially repay your creditors, after which your debts are considered discharged. Some types...
While the goal of both Chapter 7 and Chapter 13 bankruptcy is to put your debts behind you, not all debts are eligible for discharge. The U.S. Bankruptcy Code lists 19 different categories of debts that cannot be discharged in Chapter 7, Chapter 13, or Chapter 12 (a more specialized ...