How to watch: The Midnight Gospel is now streaming on Netflix. 5. Delicious in Dungeon Credit: Netflix If you like fantasy adventures and food, you'll appreciate this offbeat but delectable animated series. Based on the Japanese manga series written and illustrated by Ryōko Kui, Delicious...
This interactive attraction sends guests on a quest to stop Emperor Zurg, who is trying to steal batteries from toys to power a new weapon. With each car holding two people and their own laser guns, riders are challenged to fire at various light-up targets and compete for a score that wi...
This interactive attraction sends guests on a quest to stop Emperor Zurg, who is trying to steal batteries from toys to power a new weapon. With each car holding two people and their own laser guns, riders are challenged to fire at various light-up targets and compete for a score that wi...
This interactive attraction sends guests on a quest to stop Emperor Zurg, who is trying to steal batteries from toys to power a new weapon. With each car holding two people and their own laser guns, riders are challenged to fire at various light-up targets and compete for a score that wi...
The exploits of Bill S. Preston, Esq. and Ted "Theodore" Logan inspired two different TV shows. The first, an animated series, arrived just one year after the original 1989 film. Keanu Reeves, Alex Winter and George Carlin all voiced their respective parts for the first season of the show...
‘s story DLC for this article.Xenoblade Chronicles 3was myGame of the Year for 2022so of course I was incredibly eager to see what form the DLC would take. What I got was certainly not what I expected and while I can pick out problems with it,Future Redeemedis just one more reason ...
Last year, Herb Chan needed medical attention himself; he slipped on ice and broke his wrist. Wayland had to drive him and his car home. The camp monitor is an adult who watches over any kids staying behind at camp — not participating in the trail group activities because they are sick...
'Superman IV: The Quest for Peace' (1987) Warner Bros. 'Superman IV: The Quest for Peace' (1987) After producers of the first threeSupermanfilms sold their rights to the franchise, the new studio coaxed Christopher Reeve to don the red cape once more in a fourth installment. In additi...
When I hunt, it’s for meat, and for the feeling I’m in touch with a primitive, yet essential side of myself, and have a single-minded intensity that is predatory and a little scary. It helps me to remember that I’m getting meat for the table, just as I focus on this when ...
The“Star Wars”galaxy is ever-expanding. In the last year, we’ve gotten new tales of a beloved former Jedi, an animated look at the aftermath of Order 66 and a teased return of Rey Skywalker. The problem? All the stories take place at different points of time in the galaxy far, ...