Foods traditionally served at iftar vary, but food is often shared with a poor family during Ramadan. At the end of the 29- or 30-day fast (depending on the length of the lunar cycle) is Eid al-Fitr (Festival of Breaking the Fast), when there is much feasting and celebration! To ...
timereallydoesexist itisinseparablefromspacecoexisting andwhatthesescientistscallthetimespacecontinuumnomatterwhichviewyoumayholdtimeisofrelativeimportanceindifferentcultures however whentravelingdoingbusinessorstudyinginagermanorenglishspeakingcountry itisagoodideatoconsidertimetobeoftheutmostimportance 对 没有 ...
This year marks the 20th anniversary of 9/11. It falls on Shabbat Shuvah — the Shabbat between Rosh Hashanah and Yom Kippur, traditionally a time to focus on repentance and return — and in many ways, it feels like a return. Our country just left Afghanistan every bit the beleaguered, T...
until iftar time on the weekends. His days are usually filled with school (and other) work, which helps keep his focus off being hungry. This year however Ramadan fasting has been especially hard. Some days he struggles with his allergies and needs to break his fast, while other days he ...