I would've searched his home and ignored mine. I would've watched him die trying to save his hand. Oh, if I didn't have House looking over my shoulder... 我会坚持给他使用蛋白质C,最后只好给他开颅;我会坚持给他使用两性霉素,最后又毁了他的肾脏;我完全没考虑过肺炎的可能性;我只顾去检查他...
When I shifted to get out the bed, he shifted in my direction. When I got up, with eyes still closed, he sat up too. I am at my wits end. For the life of me, I can’t understand what has happened. He has gone from sleeping by himself, to my not being able to move without...
I was still in agony, but now, my heart was heavy too as I entered the clinic. The diagnosis was clear: strep plus inflamed tonsils. No wonder I was in such pain. But at least I could begin now to recover. I truly felt every ounce of gratitude one might feel that we have such g...