“前奏好好听!这首歌一定会是你的循环歌曲”||《I Don't Care (Acoustic)》 03:31 “歌词好戳我!好适合一个人安静的听”||《当星星落下来》 03:10 “好上头的前奏!听完满脑子都是Find My Boy~~”||《Find My Boy》 03:13 “节奏感好强!一秒刺激你的大脑皮层!!!”||《Drama Free》 ...
闭上眼睛,心跳和这首歌的节奏一致,我的耳朵 03:53 【音乐推荐】Minnutes - 《I Can》简单的歌词,欢快的旋律,做人也能如此心无杂念清新脱俗就好了。 03:06 【音乐推荐】《Don't Turn Off The Lights (Album Version)》还是怀念段暄啊!现在感觉 03:48 【音乐推荐】《Beyond The Moon (Original Mix)》再次...
1英语翻译“当我还是个孩子的时候,我就梦想着在天空中翱翔.现在,我开始实现我飞翔的梦想,自由自在的飞翔”大家看看我的翻译有什么问题:When I was a kid,I used to dream to fly in the blue sky.And now,I start the dream of flying,I was free.不用太书面正式,口语翻译就好了 2 英语翻译 “当我...
DRIVER (CONT'D) If you make it out alive, give me a call, and I’ll tell you how to get the boots back to me. We can feel over Backpack’s shoulder that he has taken the boots and is putting them on but we STAY on the driver. BACKPACK Hey, do me a favor, will ya? Take...
【AK】新砖Girl..Brand New Me It's been a while, I'm not who I was before You look surprised, your words don't burn
I write very little in the middle of the day. If I do any work in the middle of the day, it is. And what I feel writing that much. When asked what would your ideal writing they look like? Left to my own devices. Now with no family at the start writing at seven PM. And stop...
i wish my car can fly i wish that i was in i wish that i were a i wish the day dream i wish upon a star ca i wish us happy i wish we can stay as i wish you good luck i wish i wish i could i wished i was smarte i woke and found that i won t condemn i won t eith...
i tried to show you j i triedbut when i got i truction education i trument and a aratu i truments and implem i trust myself i trust that all will i trust your leadersh i try hard to hide my i try read i try to love jesus s i try to mend i try to mend i feel i try to...
"I want real chemistry, I want real connection, I want real intimacy," Anna Richards, founder of the erotic site, told Mashable. "I want to show real sex as opposed to a performance." SEE ALSO: How Pornhub changed the world 5. Bellesa Bellesa is a self-described feminist porn site. ...
I lived with my mother for a time, next door to my grandma and grandpa in an apartment while my father was away during the war.Grandma never had lots of money or material things. But it was the little things she gave me that let me feel really warm, like letting me put my fingers...