The Green Card Lottery, also known as the Diversity Visa Lottery, is a program that provides a pathway for people from countries with low immigration rates to the United States to obtain a Green Card, which allows them to live and work permanently in the U.S. The U.S. government runs ...
The State Department has yet to announce official dates, but based on previous years,online registrations for the 2025 visa lottery could be available between 5 October 2023 and 8 November 2023. Once this year’s dates have been announced,you’ll need to wait for the proces...
I was originally registered to run the Cherry Blossom 10 Miler – I had gotten in as a seeded runner, meaning I was able to bypass the lottery because of my time at Cherry Blossom 2022 (still my 10 mile PR.) But when I registered, I did not realize it was 8 days before Boston and...
War Horse is about the tragedy of war, the mindless brutality of battle, the indiscriminate lottery of fate and those special people who have an intuitive, almost telepathic, communication with animals. One hundred years on from the war that was supposed to end all wars it’s a timely ...
You’re Mourning the Life You Thought You’d Have Like buying a lottery ticket, whenever you interview for a job, it’s only natural to dream about your future life and the possibilities. If you’ve been out of work for a while, these emotions can be even more intense. Perhaps the gi...