Does not each of you on the Sabbath untie his ox or his donkey from its stall,[tn] and lead it to water?[to] 16 Then[tp] shouldn’t[tq] this woman, a daughter of Abraham whom Satan[tr] bound for eighteen long[ts] years, be released from this imprisonment[tt] on the Sabbath ...
Ahman we can build ρ ´ τ : Γ ´ τΓ 1 ´ τ , using the result about Pτ to ensure that ρ does not map any x P Γ ´ τ outside of Γ 1 ´ τ . We also establish that if ΓΓ 1, then time Γ ď time Γ 1, allowing us to deduce τ ď time Γ 1 ...
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