When running ps -fp <pid>, the ps process will stat and open all pid directories in /proc. The /proc filesystem is a memory-based filesystem used to provide a view into the process tree. The extra work to loop through every process is inefficient when the pid is being supplied as a... Displaying the instruction manual Displaying property help Symbols Abbreviations Trademarks 1.1.2 Introducing InfoPrint Manager for Windows InfoPrint Manager Electronic Software Distribution Optimizing your print resources Und...
Create a script that's named Unjoin.ps1 by using the following content, and then deploy the script as aCustom Script Extensionon the Azure portal: Windows Command Prompt cmd/c "netdom remove <<MachineName>> /domain:<<DomainName>> /userD:<<DomainAdminhere>> /passwordD:<<PasswordHere>> ...
Set the firewall for the new port: PowerShell Set-NetFirewallRule-Name"RemoteDesktop-UserMode-In-TCP"-LocalPort<NEW PORT (decimal)> Update the network security group for the new portin the Azure portal RDP port. Step 2: Set correct permissions on the RDP self-signed certificate ...
Connecting the Azure community to the right resources: answers, support, and experts. If you need more help, you can submit a support request from the Azure portal. Select Support from the menu bar or open the Help + support hub. For more detailed information, review How to create an ...
AzureActiveDirectoryDirectorySyncTool Error: 906 : System.Management.Automation.CmdletInvocationException: Failed even after 5 retries. Action: PingProvisioningServiceEndPoint, Exception: Unable to communicate with the Windows Azure Active Directory service. Tracking ID: 90edf657-f63e-46cc-94ec-...
Raw [lab@master ~]$ oc rsh <mw-pod-name> sh-4.4$ top -b -n 1 -H -p <java-pid> sh: top: command not found sh-4.4$ ps sh: ps: command not found CPU metrics such ascontainer_cpu_user_seconds_totalandcontainer_cpu_system_seconds_totalas cAdvisor metrics are collected by OpenShif...
Let me be the first to admit, there are limitations - we don't just suddenly have Media Composer all of a sudden (nor should we): Loading a new sequence into the source does not update the Source Sequence already open in the Timleine - you need to close th...
Type: Bug On one of my workstations I have not been able to check for updates or install extensions for a few weeks. I have worked with our firewall / proxy team and my workstation is the only one that can reproduce the problem, it works...
This issue is only relevant when upgrading from the May release to the June release. Steps to reproduce Install AKS-HCI PowerShell module version 1.1.36. Upgrade AKS-HCI. If the upgrade fails, AKS-HCI falls back to May, but MOC agents are down. Expected behavior If the Aks-Hci upgrade...