The justicesheard arguments in both cases, known asLindke v. FreedandO'Connor-Ratcliff v. Garnier,in October, during which they tackled questions of how elected officials interact with their constituents in the digital age, and when those interactions may infringe on free speech rights. The legal...
Nutrient Removal Alternatives for Water Reuse Projects – What to do when RO is not Enough. The Miami-Dade Experience for a Sustainable SolutionA comprehensive nutrient removal evaluation to meet extremely low nutrient limits was performed for the South District Water Reclamation Plant (SDWRP) in ...
Climate change is temperatures being significantly colder or hotter than the norm for said region and time of year.Please understand, if this planet gets too hot, human life cannot exist as it does now and many people will die (billions). If this planet gets too cold, like an ice age, ...
The road ahead in the next 30 to 40 days won’t be easy. While Joe Biden will likely win the popular vote by millions winning the Electoral College won’t be as easy. We saw that in 2016 when Hillary won the popular vote by three million and still lost the election. So we need to...