Sex during first trimester. Nausea, fatigue, orbreasttenderness may kill your sex drive. But don’t worry; it will come back. Sex during second trimester. Your libido may kick into high gear. In fact, increased blood flow throughout your body can enhance your orgasms. Sex during third trim...
Whether you should be lifting during pregnancy or not is a question for your health care provider, but the general rule of thumb is to let someone else do it for you. Women who are at risk for premature labor may need to stop lifting objectsafter the first trimester. This is something t...
During the first trimester, your ultrasound can show the heart rate of your baby, the umbilical cord and the placenta. This ultrasound will also tell you if you have one baby or multiples. In the second trimester, the ultrasound can show you details of the face, fetal head, heart, spine,...
especially into the second trimester, you may experience more weight gain and possibly notice that abump is starting to show. Belly size varies from person to person during pregnancy, which is why, in cryptic pregnancies, some people may not notice a bump or may ...
hCG doubles rapidly - typically every 48 to 72 hours in the first trimester of pregnancy, after which it declines somewhat and then stays at the new plateau during trimesters 2 and 3. Related Pregnancy Calculators and More Implantation Doubling Calculator Simulates pregnancy hormone doubling based ...
This relationship between prenatal exposure to maternal psychosocial stress and risk for schizophrenia in male, but not female, offspring has been replicated in another study, but with first trimester exposure (Khashan et al, 2008). Although there are likely multiple factors contributing to sex ...
What Does the Baby's Kicking Feel Like? Pregnant women describe their baby's movements as butterflies, nervoustwitches, or a tumbling motion. At first, it may be hard to tell whether your baby has moved. Second- and third-time moms are more adept at distinguishing those first baby movement...
The onset of ICP in thesecond and third trimestersis hypothesized to be related to the peak estrogen levels that occur during the later stages of pregnancy [7,8]. Patients who present in the first trimester potentially could have other factors causing elevated estrogen. ...
A small number of pregnant people experience a phenomenon calledimplantation bleeding. Implantation bleeding usually involves only very light spotting. But occasionally, it can be confused for a menstrual period, or even a first-trimester miscarriage, because of its timing.3 ...
Metoclopramide does not cause damage to the fetus or lead to other risks when given to women in the first trimester of pregnancy, new research involving 3,458 children suggests (The New England Journal of Medicine 2009;360:2528).The Pharmaceutical Journal group...