CDC Study Shows Flu Vaccination Prevents Severe Flu Illness in U.S. Children Vaccine protects, even when vaccine virus and circulating viruses are differentVasconcellos, DavidNeonatology Today
“The best time to get the flu shot is the end of September and during October,” Dr. William Schaffner, professor of infectious diseases at Vanderbilt University Medical Center, tells TheCDC recommendsgetting the flu vaccine before October ends. Getting the flu shot at this time a...
Guidance from the CDC states that people should get aflu vaccineby the end of October. "We recommend getting your shot by the end of October because it is best to get a flu shot before flu begins to spread in your community," Dr. Claire Bocchini, an infectious disease specialist at Texa...
That means you have both the grant funder and the university pushing things in certain directions, even before you get “must prove need for more Diversity” or “must prove CDC director’s pet theory” or whatever. Full disclosure: I received a very, very generous post-doc research grant....
A nationwide survey of people who were pregnant or trying to become pregnant has found that overall, 54% expressed interest in the RSV vaccine during pregnancy. Perceiving RSV as a serious illness in infants was the strongest predictor of likely vaccination during pregnancy. Likelihood to receive ...
vaccine when it comes out each year in October or November. But even later is better than not at all. It takes 2 weeks for the flu vaccine to take effect, and flu season can last into March or April. You should also get a COVID-19 vaccine and boosters as recommended by the CDC. ...
I have been wonking Novavax since the early weeks of vaccine development. The first publicized graph of efficacy jumped out at me: Novavax, a more traditional protein-based vaccine (like the flu shots you probably get) outperformed the mRNA vaccines in early trials by more than a squeak, ...
The Importance of the Flu Vaccine Perhaps the most critical tool for public health in coming months will be the influenza vaccine. The CDC currently recommends everyone older than six months receive a flu shot, with few exceptions. Last flu season, however, only 62 percent of children you...
Fig. 1. The (a) the CDC's recommended measures to prevent the spread of COVID19 and (b)“flatten the curve” graph shared by the White House in March 2020. Also, some leaders compared COVID19 to seasonal flus in 2020 despite their public health officials explaining that COVID19 is ca...
Every year scientists predict which will most likely be the three main flu strains that flu season. A vaccine is then created that causes antibodies to develop to provide protection against those strains. While sometimes other strains may surface, the vaccine can still make your flu symptoms milde...