So i just went in there and there was a game from EU LCS Summer happening at the moment, was Fnatic vs Schalke 04 in the finals. I instantly fell in love with the team 3 upvotes Catxalote@CATXALOTE• 09/03/2024 Loading...2020, i was 12 y/o and cobid was up so after ...
I’m happy that our fans are still there, especially after our rough start into the split. Hopefully, our 3-0 today will bring some confidence back to our fans on why they are supporting us. This is our time to take it up again...
AnDa:As for Flame, since I worked with him during the Summer Split, I came to understand how to communicate well with him. As for Fly, his English isn't too great yet, so I have an easier time communicating with Flame. But we're getting better at it. Head Coach, Rober...