Dependency Manager SPM SDK Framework Gaming Services Goals Be able to use the fb ios sdk as a Swift package dependency without compile errors. Expected results The sdk does not create build errors when incorporating as a Swift package into a project. Actual results Instead of building clean we ...
Bitrise does not give me information about the mac used being M1 or Intel so this could be related to the processor architecture. Collaborator Lukasa commented May 9, 2022 I don't think the processor architecture is likely to be relevant here. What version of the cocoapods are you using?
Morality evolved within specific social contexts that are argued to shape moral choices. In turn, moral choices are hypothesized to be affected by body odors as they powerfully convey socially-relevant information. We thus investigated the neural underpi
When looking into epochality, it is important to note that Zuckerberg does not want to tackle any of the most important global issues, such as climate change, hunger, education, pandemics, or wars, but just tends to improve communication between people, as a value on its own. This relates ...
vue-loader v17.0.0 was released but this still not fixed, is there something new please @yyx990803 ? Webpack layer is great feature which improves build time for more flavor/variants. UPDATE: created reproducible repo nskazki chan...
The real problem is that the file lock is not released indeed at the moment the process suspends. In other words, the realm.write { ... } transaction does not complete when current process is going to be suspended. I made the following changes to completely fix the 0xdead10cc crash, ...