Energy is always conserved, when something drops to the ground, potential energy changes to kinetic energy and as soon as it hits the ground it changes to another form of energy. If it's an elastic collision, from what I have learnt, the kinetic energy on colliding with the ground wi...
a(Electrical potential)is essential to the range and power of electric energy.When an electric charge exists within an object,a force is exerted from its electrical field.This accelerates the object in a direction either towards or away from the charge,depending on the electromagnetic polarization。
View Solution What is the cause of elastic potential energy of a body ? View Solution What will happen to potential energy of a spring when it is compressed ? View Solution What will happen to potential energy of a spring when it is compressed ? View Solution ...
“Beingdepressedcanleaveyoufeelinglowinenergy,whichmightputyouoffbeingmore active.Regularexercisecanboostyourmoodifyouhavedepression,andit?sespeciallyusefulfor peoplewithmildtomoderate(中等的)depression,”itwroteonitswebsite. Itseemslikenothingcanbeatthatfeelingwegetafteragoodworkout,evenifwedon?tfully understan...
aWhen we word~and also when we play~we use up energy.The energy may be physical or mental or a combination of the two.When our work or play is prolonged,we become tired and want to stop and test or change to some other activity.If we do not stop,we become gradually less efficient...
And what does it mean? If the answer is no. Do you think it's necessary for school to have a model wire? Integrate. Who can't be all work together in a way that makes something more effective. Enable. To make it possible for someone to do something. Or for something to happen. ...
aThe resistance from a slope might deprive a vehicle of kinetic energy when it climbs up over a slope, but meanwhile, the energy is stored as gravitational potential energy. 抵抗从倾斜也许剥夺车动能,当它上升在倾斜时,同时,但,能量被存放作为重心势能。[translate]...
When the phone is connected to power and not charging the energy to run the phone comes from the external power source, rather than the battery, thus letting the battery “rest”. And any smartphone is always doing something that uses energy, even when it isn’t actually being used. As ...
studieshavesuggested.Andwindscreatedbyvast fieldsofturbinescould mix warm andcoolair, whichmakesthesurfacequitewarm . Despitethepotentialdrawbacks,however, theresearchersargue wind energystill makes moresensefortheenvironmentthanfossilfuels. Studycoauthorand HarvardUniversityscientist ProfessorDavidKeitharguedthat,wh...
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