Rachel envies Colin's time at home. Most of her girlfriends are stay-at-home moms who take turns hosting playdates when their kids are off. These moms go to every school event, every social function,play pickleball five days a week, and don't seem to have a care in the world. When...
My bet: Losing control of what he does say, he cannot actually campaign even from the basement anymore due to what happened in Vegas, and again from that he’s medically likely to kick off or go into a coma before November, so they’d be stuck trying to do all of what they are doi...
(But it kinda does, doesn’t it? JK. I only keep the ketchup and soy sauce packets. No mustard or mayo. He grabs so many napkins, though, that sometimes even I am embarrassed.) Back to sleep: we grew up in church and were told, “Do not let the sun go down on your anger.”...
I want to show young athletes that anything is possible–no matter where you’re from, what school you go to, what the recruitment process is like, it’s all about hard work and making a name for yourself.” Justin Jefferson In addition to camps and mentoring, Justin’s continued ...
This one’s pretty straightforward — it does what it says on the tin — but I’m super proud of it and very, very happy to have it done and out. They say to write the stuff you want to read, and I’m going to have a printed and bound copy of this paper sitting on the shelf...
Vaccines, mRNA, Bioweapons; Who in Hell Cares More Than Bill Gates? “This Bill Gates slip up is concerning“ The Body Language Guy does an excellent job of citing certain troubling nuances about Bill Gates, who could be single handedly held responsible for more deaths than any man alive, ...
You’ll realize that your move, however difficult it may have been, was the fresh start you needed to build the life you’ve always wanted for yourself. Focus on what took you to your new place Try not to compare your new life to your old one – focus on the things that you love ...
I was lacking in everything needed to start a new friendship. My parents moved to the town when they decided to look for new jobs but they didn't realize I was really hurt when I said goodbye to my old friends. It felt awful to be a new student in the scho...
Christmas Eve, you'll want to make sure you're in bed early. I know, kids. I know. 9 PM on a day off from school seems like cruel and unusual punishment. How can you possibly be expected to be asleep that early on the night that Santa makes his trip?